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[Extracted from ActiveState Komodo 3.5 documentation]

GUI Builder (Komodo Pro)

Komodo's GUI Builder is an application used to create simple graphical user interfaces, such as dialogs containing radiobuttons and listboxes. The GUI Builder supports building applications using Tk with extended widget sets (depending on the language) that includes BWidgets and IWidgets. The GUI Builder is integrated with Komodo via dialog projects, which consist of a top-level container (with the extension ".ui") and program files that contain the GUI code and the application code.

Creating Dialog Projects

GUI Builder projects are referenced as "dialog" components within Komodo projects or the Toolbox. To create a new dialog project, right-click a project name or a folder within a project and select Add|New Dialog. Alternatively, select Project|Add|New Dialog or Toolbox|Add|New Dialog from the drop-down menu. Provide the following information about the dialog project:

  1. Specify Dialog Project File: The files related to the dialog are stored in a project file with a ".ui" extension.
  2. Specify Target Language: The GUI Builder can generate code in various languages and language versions:

    • Perl/Tk (8.0)
    • Perl/Tk (8.4)
    • Perl/Tkx (8.4)
    • Ruby/Tk (8.3)
    • Ruby/Tk (8.4)
    • Tcl/Tk (8.3)
    • Tcl/Tk (8.4)
    • Python/Tkinter (8.3)
    • Python/Tkinter (8.4)
  3. Click OK. The GUI Builder application loads.

Use the GUI Builder to configure the dialog, as described in the sections below.

When you save a new dialog in the GUI Builder, the following items are created in either the Toolbox or the Project Manager (depending on where the New Dialog command was invoked, where "Dialog" is the name of the project, and "<language>" is the standard language suffix):

  • Dialog.ui Project File: The name specified for the dialog is suffixed with ".ui" and stored with utf-8 encoding. This dialog project file contains two files:
    • Dialog.<language>: Callback file with user editable code sections, stored in the default system encoding. Edit this file to add functionality to widgets. This is the file to launch to create the interface.
    • Dialog_ui.<language>: UI creation code file, stored with utf-8 encoding. This file creates the structure of the user interface, and is loaded by the callback file. It is not intended to be edited by the user. Any changes to this file will be lost the next time the project is saved.


Modifying an Existing Dialog

To modify the graphical properties of the dialog, right-click the dialog project (with the ".ui" extension) and select Edit Dialog. This launches the GUI Builder and loads the project. Code within the sections described in Adding Code to a Dialog are not affected by modifying the graphical properties of a dialog.


Adding Code to a Dialog

To modify the functions within the dialog, open the Dialog.<language> file (callback file), located beneath the dialog project file. Open the callback file by selecting Open File on the Projects context menu, or by double-clicking the filename on the Projects tab. Comments included in the callback file indicate where to insert callback code and user code. The GUI Builder parses this file on regeneration, so only code entered within particular sections is preserved. The sections are the matching BEGIN/END USER CODE blocks and the following parts for each particular language of the BEGIN/END CALLBACK CODE block:

  • Perl: sub sections
  • Python: def sections
  • Ruby: def sections
  • Tcl: proc sections

The callback file is generated in such a way as to instantiate an instance of the dialog when it is launched. If a function named userinit is defined (e.g., in the USER code section), it will be executed prior to instantiating the dialog. If a function name run is defined, it will be executed following instantiation of the dialog, prior to entering the Tk main loop. The code generation uses the following style for each language:

  • Perl: The package Dialog is used to encapsulate data. Dialog::ui is a reserved subroutine name for the UI creation code. Names of widgets are package variables. USER code has one section. userinit and run may be defined in the Dialog namespace.
  • Python: The class CustomDialog is used for the dialog object in callback code, deriving from the Dialog class, used for UI creation. Names of widgets become attributes of the Dialog class. USER code has global and class sections. userinit and run may be defined at the global scope.
  • Ruby: The class Dialog is used for the dialog object in callback code, deriving from the Dialog_ui class, used for UI creation. Names of widgets are class instance variables. USER code has global and class sections. userinit and run may be defined at the global scope.
  • Tcl: The namespace Dialog is used to encapsulate data. Dialog::ui is a reserved proc name for the UI creation code. Names of widgets are namespace variables. USER code has one section. userinit and run may be defined in the Dialog namespace.


Testing the GUI

  • To run the application, click the green arrow button on the toolbar, or select Commands|Start Test.
  • To stop a running application, click the red stop button on the toolbar, or select Commands|Stop Test.


Viewing Code in the Komodo Editor

When you save the GUI in the GUI Builder, corresponding dialog project and language files are created in Komodo, either in the Project Manager or the Toolbox, depending on where the New Dialog command was invoked.

To display the code in the Komodo editor, select Commands|View Code. Alternatively, in Komodo, open the Dialog.<language> file beneath the dialog project.


Dialog Project Options

Dialog projects consist of a "container" file (with the extension ".ui") and the source files containing the code for the GUI and the code for the application. Options for dialog projects are described below; options for files contained in dialog projects are the same as options for regular files.

To access options for the selected dialog, do one of the following:

  • Toolbox|dialog_name|option or Project|dialog_name|option: When a dialog is selected in the Project Manager or Toolbox, use the Project or Toolbox drop-down menus to access the list of options. The name of the dialog currently selected in the Project Manager or the Toolbox is displayed in the drop-down menu.
  • Context Menu: Right-click a dialog in a project or the Toolbox and select the desired option.

The following options are available:

  • Edit Dialog: Use this option to launch the GUI Builder application.
  • Test Dialog: This option runs the application.
  • Refresh Status: This option checks the read/write disk status of the dialog project file. If the dialog project file is stored in a source code control system, Refresh Status also checks the repository status of the file.
  • Cut/Copy/Paste: These options are used to remove the dialog from a project or the Toolbox, or to move dialog projects between the Project Manager and the Toolbox (and vice versa).
  • Export as Project File: When this option is invoked, a new project file is created that contains the dialog from which the option is invoked. You are prompted to provide the name of the new project file and the directory where it is stored. To open the new project file, select File|Open|Project.
  • Export Package: Dialogs can be archived and distributed among multiple Komodo users via "packages". Packages are compressed archive files that contain the dialog from which the Export Package option was invoked. Packages are stored in files with a ".kpz" extension, and can be opened by any archiving utility that supports libz (for example WinZip). The Export Package option differs from the Export as Project File option in that copies of filesystem-based components (such as files and dialog projects) are included in the archive. Conversely, Export as Project File creates a project with a reference to the component's original location and does not create copies of the components. When Export Package is invoked, you are prompted for a name and file location for the package. Exported packages can only be imported into "container" objects in Komodo, such as projects, the Toolbox, and folders within projects and the Toolbox. See Toolbox - Exporting and Importing Toolbox Contents, Projects - Importing and Exporting Projects via Packages, or Folders - Import Contents from Package for more information.
  • Source Control: If Komodo is configured to work in conjunction with a Source Code Control system, this option is used to access SCC commands for the dialog project file.
  • Source Control on Contents: If Komodo is configured to work in conjunction with a Source Code Control system, this option is used to invoke SCC commands that operate on the contents of the dialog project.
  • Delete: To remove a dialog from a project or the Toolbox, select this option. The dialog project (and the files it contains) is not deleted from disk.


GUI Builder Overview

Quick Overview

  • Add rows and columns by double-clicking grid lines.
  • Resize cells by dragging the grid lines.
  • Drag and drop widgets from the Palette tab to a cell in the workspace.
  • Double-click widgets in the workspace to configure their properties.
  • Use the Menu tab to create menus and add menu item widgets.
  • Select Edit|View Menus or press 'Ctrl'+'M' ('Meta'+'M' on Mac OS X) to show or hide menus in the workspace.
  • Use the Dialog tab to manage the structure of GUI Builder projects.
  • Use the Menu tab to add cascading menus and menu items.
  • Click the green arrow button on the toolbar or select Commands|Start Test to test the interface.
  • Save the GUI to create the files in Komodo.


  • There are numerous "container" widgets available for building UIs in the GUI Builder that vary depending on language. These include frame, notebook and panedwindow, among others. The only "container" widgets that GUI Builder supports in full are the core frame and labelframe widgets. Placement widgets inside the other "container" widgets must be done by hand currently.
  • Specification of the dialog title must be done in the user code.
  • The GUI Builder does not check whether you have the requisite Tk installation and associated widget modules (if necessary). This means you may be able to create UIs that you cannot actually test.
  • If you create widgets, generate code, and later rename or remove those widgets, any generated command code for those widgets is not removed. This is because the round-trip code generation doesn't know about what has been deleted, just what currently exists, and pre-existing code is just parsed and reinserted.



The workspace is used to design the GUI. See Adding and Resizing Rows and Columns and Adding Widgets to a Dialog for more about using the GUI Builder workspace.

The column and row handles at the top and the left of the workspace indicate the selected cell. When a cell is selected, the column and row handles are displayed in blue. When a single column or row handle is selected, it is displayed in red. Use the Appearance Preferences to set color and size preferences for the workspace.



The toolbar contains buttons for the most common widget configuration options. You must select the widget in the workspace or on the Dialog tab before changing widget properties. For a description of how to use the toolbar buttons to configure basic widget properties, see Configuring Widget Properties.

From left to right, the tools are:

Save file
Widget text
Widget text size
Widget text bold and italic
Widget text alignment
Widget foreground and background color
Widget position in cell
Widget border and relief
Widget orientation (for the scrollbar widget)
Widget delete
Run or stop running interface


Widget Palette Tab

Perl/Tk 8.0 Palette tab

The Palette tab is the tab displayed by default in the GUI Builder. Its contents vary depending on the language that was selected when a dialog was added to the Toolbox or Project Manager. For more about language selection, see Creating Dialog Projects.

Use the Next Widget and Previous Widget commands on the Navigate submenu to move from one widget to another in the workspace.


Widget Properties

Properties vary according to the selected target language. Select File|Project Settings to view the selected target language.

  • To change the properties of an individual widget, double-click the widget in the workspace.
  • To change the default properties for a widget, double-click the widget on the Palette tab.

The settings available in the widget properties dialog box vary depending on the type of widget that is selected.


Dialog Tab

The Dialog tab provides a hierarchical overview of a GUI Builder project. As you add controls and menus to the workspace, a structured outline of the chosen widgets is displayed on the Dialog tab. The contents of each project are displayed beneath a collapsible "Container" node that appears at the top of the tab. Double-click widgets on the Dialog tab to view or edit their properties.

Use commands on the Navigate submenu to determine the relationships between widgets. Select Navigate|Select Parent to highlight the parent element of a selected widget. Select Navigate|Select 1st Child to highlight the widget that is one level below the selected element in the project hierarchy. Note that these commands are only available if you select a widget that has a "parent/child" relationship with one or more other widgets.


Menu Tab

Use the widgets on the Menu tab to add cascading menus and menu items to a GUI. Just as the Dialog tab provides a hierarchical overview of the controls and buttons in a dialog, the Menu tab displays the menus and menu options that make up the menu bar in a GUI Builder project. Select Edit|View Menus to display the menus at the top of the workspace. The available menu widgets are (from left to right) "cascade", "command", "separator", "checkbutton", and "radiobutton". For directions on adding menu widgets to the workspace, see Adding Widgets to a Dialog.

Add drop-down menus and menu items to your GUI using the widgets on the Menu tab. Select Edit|View Menus to display menus in the workspace.


Status Bar

The status bar displays warnings, progress messages and diagnostics. Help messages are displayed only if Show Statusbar Help is selected in GUI Builder Preferences. Help messages are displayed for the object under the current cursor position. In addition, when you drag a widget or resize handle, the status bar displays the grid position or size.


Building GUI Applications

Adding and Resizing Rows and Columns

When you launch the GUI Builder, the workspace contains a default grid with two rows and two columns. You can create a new dialog with this default grid, or modify the default grid using the options described below.

To add rows and columns:

  • Add a Row or Column: Click on a grid line, then press the 'Insert' key. Alternatively, double-click the grid line.
  • Add a Row and a Column: Click in a grid cell, then press the 'Insert' key.

To delete rows and columns:

  • Delete a Row or Column: Click on a grid line, then press the 'Delete' key. Rows and columns cannot be deleted if they contain widgets.
  • Delete a Row and a Column: Click in a grid cell, then press the 'Delete' key. Rows and columns cannot be deleted if they contain widgets.

To resize rows and columns:

  • Configure Row and Column Size, Weight and Widget Padding: Click in a grid cell, then select Edit|Row & Column Properties. Use this dialog to change size, weight and the padding around widgets.
  • Resize Row or Column: Click and drag a grid line.

To straddle rows and columns:

Grid cells can be resized to span multiple columns or rows. Note that straddling rows and columns is only possible when the grid cell that you want to expand contains a widget, and the adjacent cells do not contain widgets. To straddle rows or columns:

  1. Click to select the cell containing the widget.
  2. Position the cursor over one of the resize handles. The cursor changes to an arrow pointing towards a line.
  3. Click and drag across the adjacent cells.


Adding Widgets

To add widgets from the Palette tab:

  • On the Palette tab, click the desired widget, drag it into a cell in the workspace.

To add widgets from the Menu tab:

  1. Click the MENU container on the Menu tab or, if Edit|View Menus has been selected, click New Cascade at the top of the workspace, to add a new menu to the GUI.
  2. Select a top-level "menuitem" on the Menu tab to make the Menu widgets available. Use the "cascade", "command", "separator", "checkbutton", and "radiobutton" menu item widgets to create menus.


Deleting Widgets

To remove a widget or menu item from the workspace, select it and click the "delete" button on the toolbar for widgets, or click the "delete" button on the Menu tab for menu items.


Configuring Widget Properties

Basic Widget Properties

  1. Select the widget in the GUI Builder workspace. The associated options become available on the toolbar.
  2. Use the controls on the toolbar to edit widget properties.

Advanced Widget Properties

  • Select the widget in the GUI Builder workspace, then double-click it or select Edit|Widget Properties to display a widget properties dialog box.

The generated code for all widget properties except command properties stores the values in double quotes (""). This allows for the interpolation of \ escape sequences, but may require escaping certain special characters in your values. You may add unicode text, which will be translated for portability as follows:

  • Perl: \x{XXXX} per unichar
  • Python: \uXXXX per unichar in unicode (u"") strings
  • Ruby: $KCODE='u' is set and the UI creation code file is written in utf-8 encoding.
  • Tcl: \uXXXX per unichar

If you do not want a widget property to be quoted, then prefix the value with [[=]]. This indicates to the code generator that the value should be exactly what follows that marker. No other quoting, escaping or stripping of whitespace will be done, so be sure to provide contextually correct code following the marker.


Resizing a Widget

  • To make a widget resizable, click the column or row handle once to select, then again to toggle the resizable setting. When the arrows on the handle point outwards, the widget becomes resizable. Note that this characteristic only has an effect if the widget is configured to adhere to two (or four) sides of the cell. (The scrollbar widget is resizable by default.)
  • To make a widget span rows or columns, point the mouse at the edge of the widget and drag the widget resize handle when the mouse pointer changes (grid lines spanned by the widget disappear).


Attaching Scrollbars to a Widget

  • To attach scrollbars to widgets, first insert the desired widget and scrollbar in the workspace. Then select the widget, and select Commands|Attach Scrollbars. You are prompted to specify which scrollbars you wish to attach. Scrollbars can only be attached to scrollable widgets.


Loading a GUI Builder Project into a Frame Widget

  • Load Project Into Frame: This option becomes available on the Commands menu when a "frame" or "labelframe" widget is added to the workspace. Select Commands|Load Project Into Frame to navigate to a GUI component contained in another GUI Builder project (.ui) file, and then load it into the selected frame. This feature is particularly useful if you have an interface component that you want to insert repeatedly in your GUI projects.


GUI Builder Preferences

General Preferences

  • Insert if widget dropped on gridline: If this option is enabled, a widget is automatically inserted in a new row or column when you drop the widget on a grid line. If this option is not enabled, the GUI Builder ignores widgets dropped on grid lines.
  • Confirm saves before test: If this option is enabled, you are prompted to save changed files before testing the application.
  • Confirm widget delete: If this option is enabled, you are prompted to confirm that you want to delete a widget in the workspace.
  • Autosave on quit: If this option is enabled, changed files are automatically saved. Otherwise, you are prompted to save changed files.
  • Mouse Gravity: This setting determines how far the mouse pointer must move to invoke the action. Set the value lower to make the mouse more responsive and higher to give the mouse more tolerance.
  • Show Tooltips: If this option is enabled, yellow pop-up hints are displayed whenever you hover the mouse pointer over an object.
  • Show Statusbar Help: If this option is enabled, usage tips are displayed in the bottom right corner of the GUI Builder window.


Appearance Preferences

  • Selection Color: When a widget or grid line is selected (by clicking on it), it is outlined in the color specified here.
  • Grid Background: This setting specifies the color of the grid background.
  • Active Over Color: When you hover the mouse pointer over a grid line, the line changes to the color specified here.
  • Frame Background: Set the color for the background of the frame widget.
  • Show Grid Lines: If this option is enabled, grid lines are displayed. Alternatively, click the button at the intersection of the row and column handles (top left corner of the workspace) to toggle grid lines on and off.
  • Grid Line Thickness: Set the thickness of the grid line.
  • Default Grid Spacing: When you create a new GUI, cells are created by default with the pixel size specified here.
  • Control Points Size: Set the size of the Widget Resize Handles.


Tk and Widget Reference

Reference pages for individual widgets are included in the ActiveTcl documentation. Select Help|Help for Languages to access either a local version (if installed) or web version of the ActiveTcl documentation.

"Tk" is a toolkit for building graphical user interfaces. It was originally developed for Tcl, but has since been adapted for Perl, Python, Ruby and other languages. The ActivePerl, ActivePython and ActiveTcl language distributions include documentation regarding each language's Tk support. (Note that the Tcl/Tk reference is divided into three categories: the core (Tk) manual and two groups of extensions (BWidgets and IWidgets).

Select Help|Help for Languages to launch the local version of the language documentation (if installed) or to access the web version. Links to the language-specific Tk reference pages are provided below: