Customizing Komodo

Komodo's preferences are used to set the default behavior of Komodo. Preferences can be set for various aspects of Komodo functionality, such as editor behavior, preferred language interpreters, the Komodo workspace layout, etc.

Some preferences can also be configured on a per-file basis. For example, the configuration of line endings, indentation style and word wrap can be configured for individual files. File-specific settings override the default preferences described in this section. To configure file-specific defaults, see File Properties and Settings in the File section of the Komodo documentation.

To display the Preferences dialog box, on the Edit menu, click Preferences. Or, in Komodo for Mac OS X, on the Komodo menu, click Preferences.

Appearance Preferences

Use the Appearance preferences to customize the default layout of the Komodo workspace. The functions described below can also be changed using keyboard shortcuts; see Key Bindings for more information. To customize the Komodo workspace, select Edit|Preferences|Appearance. Configure the following options:

Toolbar Configuration

  • Show button text: Descriptive text displayed beneath toolbar icons.
  • Show standard toolbar: Toolbar with commonly used functions, for example, Open and Save.
  • Show debug toolbar: Toolbar with debugging functions, for example, Step Over and Step Through.
  • Show source code control toolbar: Toolbar with source code control functions, for example, Update and Revert.
  • Show macro toolbar: Toolbar containing commands for recording macros.

Initial Page Configuration

  • Show Komodo Start Page on startup: Select to display the Start Page in the Editor Pane when Komodo launches.
  • Hide Tutorials Pane: Select to hide the Tutorials section of the Komodo Start Page.
  • Hide Quick Links Pane: Select to hide the Quick Links section of the Komodo Start Page.
  • Hide Tip of the Day Pane: Select to hide the Tip of the Day section of the Komodo Start Page.

Most Recently Used

  • Number of Projects: The number of projects displayed on Komodo's Start Page, and on the Recent Projects menu.
  • Number of Files: The number of files displayed on Komodo's Start Page, and on the Recent Files menu.


Code Intelligence Preferences

Use the Code Intelligence preferences to enable the Code Browser, Object Browser, and Python AutoComplete and CallTips functionality. Also, run wizards to scan language installations and custom directories to build the Code Intelligence database. To configure Code Intelligence preferences, select Edit|Preferences|Code Intelligence.

  • Code Intelligence: Enables or disables code intelligence functionality (Code Browser, Object Browser, CallTips, and AutoComplete). Select the check box to enable Code Intelligence (enabled by default). De-select the check box to disable Code Intelligence. Click OK to save changes.
  • Enable automatic AutoComplete and CallTip triggering while you type: Access AutoComplete and CallTip functionality while programming in Komodo. Select the check box to enable automatic triggering (enabled by default). De-select the check box to disable automatic triggering. Click OK to save changes.
    AutoComplete and CallTips can be manually invoked via the associated key binding when the cursor is placed on the code fragment in the editor.
  • Enable AutoComplete fill-up characters: Enables or disables "fill-up" characters. Typing certain characters, like '(' or '.', during an AutoComplete session will trigger insertion of the current completion before the character itself is inserted.


Debugger Preferences

To customize general debugging functions, select Edit|Preferences|Debugger. For language-specific settings (such as interpreter selection), see the Language preference.

Debugging Session Startup

  • When starting a new debug session: Specify whether Komodo should Ask me what files to save (which displays a list of changed files); Save all modified files (whereby all modified files are automatically saved); or Save no files (whereby the debugging session starts without saving any files).
  • When receiving a remote debugging connection: Specify whether Komodo should Ask me to allow connection (Komodo prompts to allow the connection request); Allow the connection (Komodo accepts the connection without prompting); or Refuse the connection (Komodo refuses the connection without prompting).
  • Skip debugging options dialog: To block the display of the debugger dialog box when the debugger is invoked, check this box. Using the 'Ctrl' key in conjunction with a debugger command key toggles the value specified here. However, commands invoked from the Debugger drop-down menu always use the convention specified here.

Debugging Session Shutdown

  • Confirm when closing debugger session tab: If the debugger is running when you attempt to close the Debug tab, this check box determines whether you are prompted to halt the debug session and close the tab, or whether this happens without prompting.

Debugger Editor Options

  • Show expression values in hover tooltip: If this is enabled, while you are debugging, you can hover the mouse pointer over a variable or expression in Komodo to see a tooltip with the value of that variable.
  • Try to find files on the local system when remote debugging: By default, when Komodo performs remote debugging, it retrieves a read-only copy of the file to be debugged from the debug engine. When this check box is selected, however, Komodo first searches for the debugger file on the local system. While it is probably safe to leave this check box selected for all of your remote debugging, there is a slight possibility that Komodo retrieves the wrong file if remote debugging is performed on another machine. If, by chance, there is a file on your local system with the same name and location as the file on the remote system, Komodo uses the local file. This would only happen if the names and locations were identical (e.g., if both machines contained a file called "C:\foo\bar\").


Debugger Connection Preferences

Debugger Connection Options

  • Komodo should listen for debugging connections on:
    • a system provided free port: Komodo assigns a port automatically. This is useful on multi-user systems where multiple instances of Komodo are running.
    • a specific port: Set the port manually. The default is 9000.
  • I am running a debugger proxy and Komodo should use it: Select this to use a debugger proxy. The proxy must be started separately at the command line.
  • Proxy Listener Address: The interface IP address and port Komodo uses to listen for connections from the proxy. By default, the debugger proxy uses port 9000 to listen for remote debuggers and port 9001 to listen for connections from Komodo.
  • Proxy Key: This identifies which instance of Komodo requires the connection. If blank, the USER or USERNAME environment variable is used.


Advanced Debugger Preferences

The Children per page, Variable Data retrieved, and Recursive Depth retrieved settings are for fine tuning data displayed in the Variables tabs in the debug output pane. The default values should generally be kept.


Directory Import

These preferences define how Komodo imports files and directories. The following import options are available:

  • Live Import: Keep the imported directories and files current with the file system via Live Folders. By default, new projects use the base directory in which they are created as the project's root directory and import all files and directories recursively. Files and directories in the project are kept synchronized with the filesystem. For example, when new files are added to a directory in the project, they will automatically appear in the corresponding Live Folder in the project. This setting can be overridden in a particular Project's scope in Project Properties and Settings.
  • Directory to import from: Specify the directory from which you want to import files. Use the Browse button to navigate the file system.
  • Files to include: Specify the filenames to include. Use wildcards ("*" and "?") to specify groups of files. Separate multiple file specifications with semicolons. If the field is left blank, all files in the specified directory are imported.
  • Files and directories to exclude: Specify the file and directory names to exclude. Use wildcards ("*" and "?") to specify groups of files. Separate multiple file specifications with semicolons. If the field is left blank, no files in the specified directory are excluded.
  • Import Subdirectories Recursively: Select this check box to import directories (and files contained in those directories) located beneath the directory specified in the Directory to import from field. This check box must be checked in order to specify the "Import Directory Structure" option as the Type of folder structure to create.
  • Type of folder structure to create:
    • Import directory structure: If the Import Subdirectories Recursively box is selected and this option is selected, Komodo creates folders within the project that represent imported directories. Thus, the directory structure is preserved within the project.
    • Make a folder per language: If this option is selected, imported files are organized into folders according to the language indicated by file pattern in the filename. File associations are configured in the Komodo Preferences. Each folder is named after the associated language, for example, "Perl files", "XML files", etc. Files that don't correspond to a known file pattern are stored in a folder called "Other files".
    • Make one flat list: If this option is selected, all the imported files are placed directly under the project from which the Import from File System command was invoked.

These settings apply to all new projects in Komodo. They can be overridden in:

  • the specific project's Directory Import settings
  • the Directory Filter properties (Live Folders)
  • the Import from Filesystem settings (Virtual Folders).


Editor Preferences

To configure editing preferences, select Edit|Preferences|Editor.

General Preferences

  • Show whitespace characters: Display or hide whitespace characters in the editor. Spaces are displayed as dots; tab characters appear as right arrows.
  • Show end-of-line characters: This option sets the default for displaying end of line markers. Display can also be toggled using the View|View EOL Markers menu option.
  • Show line numbers: This option sets the default for displaying line numbers. If enabled, line numbers are displayed on the left side of the Editor Pane. Line numbers can also be toggled using the View|View Line Numbers menu option.

Options set through the Preferences dialog box are the default for all files opened in Komodo. Some display characteristics can be assigned to individual files.

Confirmation Dialogs

When files that are opened in the Komodo editor are changed by another application, Komodo can be configured to respond in various ways:

  • Detect when files are changed outside the environment: When this option is enabled, Komodo pays attention to changes made to files outside the Komodo environment.
  • If files have been changed: When files are changed outside Komodo, select whether Komodo should Ask me what files to reload (prompt for reload confirmation); Reload all files (reload without prompting); or Reload no files (do nothing).
  • If files have been deleted: When files are deleted outside Komodo, select whether Komodo should Ask me what files to close (prompt for close confirmation); Close all files (close without prompting); or Close no files (do nothing).

If Ask me what files to reload Ask me what files to close are selected, the prompt is displayed when:

  • changing between tabs in the editor
  • switching back to Komodo from another application
  • saving a file
  • deleting a file


The Scrolling setting determines the number of lines that are be displayed above or below the editing cursor. As the editing cursor moves, the number of lines specified here are displayed between the cursor and the top or bottom of the Editor Pane. You can also set the horizontal scroll bar width by entering the desired size in pixels.

Incremental Search

These options set the defaults for the Incremental Search feature.

  • Matches Case: Specify whether Incremental Search should be case sensitive.
  • Uses: Specify the search syntax type. Plain Text exactly matches the search string; Regular Expressions interprets the search text as a regular expression; Wildcard interprets asterisk and question mark characters as wildcards.


Configuring Key Bindings

Most Komodo functions can be invoked via key bindings. These key bindings can be customized. To view an HTML list of the key bindings currently in effect, select Help|List Key Bindings.

On Linux systems, key bindings defined in the window manager (including default key bindings) take precedence over Komodo key bindings. If certain keys or key combinations do not work as expected in Komodo, check the window manager's key binding scheme. In the case of conflicts, change either the Komodo key bindings or the window manager key bindings.

To configure key binding defaults, select Edit|Preferences|Editor|Key Bindings. By default, menu key bindings are accessed using 'Alt' key combinations on Windows and Linux. For example, the File menu is opened via 'Alt'+'F'. Select Remove Alt-<letter> shortcuts from menus to disable menu access via these key bindings. The 'Alt' key still activates the File menu.

Key Binding Schemes

Key binding "schemes" are sets of pre-configured key bindings. Click the links below to view a list of key bindings for each of the schemes.

  • Windows/Linux: Consistent with standard key bindings on Windows and Linux.
  • Mac OS X: Consistent with standard key bindings on Mac OS X.
  • Emacs: Contains many of the most commonly used Emacs key bindings.
  • Vi: Contains many of the most commonly used Vi key bindings. Requires Vi emulation.

Pre-configured schemes cannot be modified. When you attempt to modify a key binding, you are prompted to make a copy of the scheme with a new name before making changes.

Remove Alt-<letter> shortcuts from menus

Some Emacs key bindings these use 'Alt' key combinations that are also used to access Komodo menus. To disable menu access, select Remove Alt-<letter> shortcuts from menus.

Vi Emulation

Vi emulation mimics the modal behavior of the Vi editor. Selecting Enable Vi emulation when a scheme other than Vi is selected prompts you to create a new scheme. This scheme is based on the current scheme with the Vi emulation behavior added.

Schemes created with Vi emulation enabled (including the default Vi scheme) will always require Vi emulation. The Enable Vi emulation checkbox cannot be toggled.

Modifying Key Bindings

To alter or view a specific key binding, scroll the Commands list or enter characters in the filter field. If multiple key bindings are assigned to a single command, the Current Key Sequence field displays as a drop-down list. Click the Clear button to delete the key binding displayed for the selected command; click Clear All to delete all key bindings for the selected command.

To add a new key binding for the selected command, enter the desired key binding in the New Key Sequence field. If the key sequence is already assigned to another command, the current assignment is displayed in the Key Sequence Already Used By field. Click Change to update the key binding displayed in the Current Key Sequence field; click Add to make the new key binding an additional key binding. If the key binding is already assigned, the original assignment is cleared.

Key Bindings for Custom Components

Custom key bindings can be assigned to the following types of components:

When the key binding associated with a component is invoked, it has the same action as double-clicking the component in the Toolbox or Project Manager.

To assign a key binding to a component, or to alter or delete an existing key binding, right-click the desired component in the Toolbox or Project Manager to display the Properties dialog box, then click the Key Binding tab. Configure as described above.


Configuring Indentation

From the Edit menu, select Preferences, then click Editor|Indentation.

  • Auto-Indent Style: Choose from one of three indentation styles:
    • Use Smart Indent: Komodo automatically anticipates logical indentation points, based on language cues (such as open braces).
    • Indent to first non-empty column: Komodo maintains the current level of indentation.
    • Don't auto-indent: Select to prevent all forms of automatic indentation.
  • Auto-adjust closing braces: Komodo automatically aligns closing braces with corresponding opening braces.
  • Show indentation guides: Select to display indentation markers (grey vertical lines). An indentation marker is displayed every time the number of spaces on the left margin equals the value specified in the Number of spaces per indent field.
  • Allow file contents to override Tab settings: If selected when files are open, Komodo uses the indentation settings saved in the file, possibly overriding the other preferences. If de-selected, Komodo uses the preference configuration regardless of the indentation values in the file.
  • Prefer Tab characters over spaces: Komodo displays Tab characters wherever possible, according to the values specified in the Number of spaces per indent and the Width of each Tab character fields. When the 'Tab' key is pressed, Komodo inserts indentation up to the next indent width. If the new indentation is a multiple of the Tab width, Komodo inserts a Tab character. Example: With a Tab width of 8 and an indent width of 4, the first indent is 4 spaces, the second indent is a Tab character, and the third indent is a Tab character plus 4 spaces.

Tab and indent widths are specified as follows:

  • Number of spaces per indent: Number of spaces Komodo inserts on the left margin when indenting a line of code.
  • Width of each Tab character: Number of spaces that are equal to a Tab character.
  • Fold mark style: Use the drop-down list to select the style of node used in code folding.
  • Use horizontal line on folds: Displays collapsed code with fold marks; a thin line also spans the width of the Editor Pane.
  • 'Backspace' decreases indentation in leading whitespace: If this option is enabled, pressing 'Backspace' clears an entire indentation, rather than a single space, if there is nothing between the editing cursor and the left margin. For example, if the number of spaces per indent is set to four, and there are five spaces between the left margin and the editing cursor, pressing 'Backspace' once clears one space; pressing 'Backspace' a second time clears four spaces.
  • Restore fold state on document load (slows down file opening): If this option is enabled, the current state of code folding is remembered when a file is closed, and reinstated when the file is next opened.

Options set through the Preferences dialog box are the default for all files opened in Komodo. Some indentation characteristics can be assigned to individual files.


Smart Editing

Background Syntax Checking

Background syntax checking validates code against the language interpreter as you type. (If Code Intelligence is enabled for Python, the code intelligence database is used to validate Python code.) Syntax errors and warnings are underlined in the Editor Pane. See Background Syntax Checking for more information.

By default, Komodo performs a background syntax check one second (1000 msecs) after you stop typing. In very large files, this background process can slow down editing. If you notice slowness in the editor pane, try extending the delay or disabling background syntax checking. Syntax checking can be run manually by clicking the syntax checking icon ( or ) in the status bar.

The level of background syntax checking for Perl is determined by the setting on the Perl Language preference page.


Configuring Word Completion

The Komodo editor maintains an index of words in the current file. Instead of re-entering words that already exist in the current file, you can use the Complete Word function to finish words. If you are using the default key binding scheme, word completion is invoked from the keyboard by pressing 'Ctrl'+'Space' ('F5' or 'Alt'+'Esc' on Mac OS X). If you also want to be able to complete words by pressing the 'Tab' key, select the check box labeled Use tab character to complete words like Ctrl+Space. Note that the 'Tab' key can still be used for other purposes when this check box is selected. Word completion only occurs when the cursor is positioned to the right of a character that begins a word that has been stored in the editor's index.


Configuring Word or Character Wrap

Select an option from the Word wrap long lines drop-down list to have lines automatically "wrapped"; that is, when a line exceeds the width of the Editor Pane, it wraps to the next line. This is merely a display characteristic - no end-of-line marker is inserted. You can choose Word, Character, or leave it as the default value of None. The Character option wraps the line at the immediate position where the line exceeds the width of the Editor Pane; the Word option wraps the line from the beginning of the word that extends beyond the width of the Editor Pane.

Note: For lines that have been wrapped automatically, the behavior of the 'Home' and 'End' keys is slightly different. Pressing 'Home' or 'End' moves the cursor to the beginning or end of the current line. Pressing the same key a second time moves the cursor to the previous or next end-of-line marker.

Select an option from the Word wrap markers drop-down list to display markers in the Editor Pane. You can choose to view End of line markers, Start of line markers, Both or None. The default is None.


Configuring Edge Lines

The edge line is a vertical line that indicates a column marker.

  • Show edge line / Highlight characters beyond edge line: Select to show where the line wraps, and to highlight characters beyond the wrap column. With fixed-width fonts, a line is drawn at the column specified. With proportional-width fonts, those characters beyond the specified column are drawn on a colored background. The line or background color is configured on the Fonts and Colors preference page.
  • Edge line column: Specify the column position of the vertical marker.

Options set through the Preferences dialog box are the default for all files opened in Komodo. Some Smart Editing features can be assigned to individual files.


Configuring Folding

Komodo can fold (i.e. hide and un-hide) logical segments of code in many languages and data file types. The following options define how code folding looks and works:
  • Fold mark style: Controls how the folding will look.
    • Don't show fold marks (disables code folding)
    • Square Trees (default)
    • Curvy Trees
    • +/- signs
    • Arrows
  • Use horizontal line on folds: Draws a horizontal line at the point of the code fold.
  • Restore fold state on document load: Preserves all folding from the previous editing session of a file. Enabling this option may increase the loading time for larger files with numerous folds.


Save Options

To automatically fix whitespace errors when saving files:

  • Clean trailing whitespace and EOL markers: Eliminates unnecessary empty space between text and EOL markers, and fixes inappropriate EOL markers.
  • Ensure file ends with EOL marker: Adds an EOL marker to the last line in a file if one does not already exist.

Based on the specified Minutes between auto-save, Komodo saves backup copies of all files open in the editor. When Komodo is shut down normally, the backup copies are deleted. If Komodo is shut down abnormally (such as through a system crash), Komodo prompts to restore the backup copy when the file is next opened. If you respond "Yes", the backup copy of the file, rather than the (older) disk copy, is opened in the editor.

When files without extensions are saved, Komodo can be configured to prompt for an action. Configure the If filename has no extension drop-down list:

  • Ask me what to do: Komodo prompts you with a dialog box to decide what to do when a particular file is saved without an extension.
  • Add appropriate extension: Komodo automatically adds an extension based on file content.
  • Leave filename alone: Komodo does nothing when a file is saved without an extension.



At startup, Komodo loads all environment variables it can access. If it is launched from a desktop icon rather than a shell, environment variables set in the default shell will not be loaded automatically.

To ensure that Komodo runs with the correct environment variables, (e.g. SCC settings, library locations, SSH options, etc.) set them in the User Environment Variables (override defaults) list box. Three buttons are available for manipulating this list:

  • New...: opens a dialog box prompting for a Name and Value.
  • Edit...: opens a dialog box with the currently selected user environment variable. Name and Value can be edited.
  • Delete...: Deletes the currently selected user environment variable.

Additionally, double-clicking a variable in Startup Environment Variables copies it into User Environment Variables (override defaults) where it can be edited. This new variable will override the one in Startup Environment Variables


File Associations

Komodo's file associations determine the functionality of editing features such as AutoComplete and code coloring. Use the File Associations preference to associate file extensions and characteristics with particular languages.

Editing the Language Associated with a File Pattern

To edit the language associated with a file pattern:

  1. Select the desired extension from the Patterns list.
  2. From the Language drop-down list, select the language to associate with the selected file pattern.

To remove an association, select the desired pattern and click Remove.

Adding a New File Association

To add a new file pattern/language association:

  1. Enter the desired pattern in the Pattern field. The pattern consists of the wildcards and the naming convention. Typically, file associations are made by the filename extension; for example, a Perl script has the extension ".pl". The pattern for a Perl script is therefore "*.pl".
  2. Select the language to associate with the pattern from the Language drop-down list.

Use File Content to Determine Language

Komodo can be configured to identify the language of a file based on its contents rather than its extension. The following characteristics can be used to override the file associations settings for syntax checking and debugging configuration.

  • XML Declarations: The Use XML Declarations option checks for XML declarations that specify the language of a file (e.g. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> for XHTML 1.0).
  • Shebang (#!...) Line: The Use shebang line option checks for a "#!/..." line at the top of a file that specifies the interpreter (e.g. #!/usr/bin/perl).
  • Emacs-Style Mode Variable: When this check box is selected, as Komodo opens files, it checks for an embedded Emacs "mode" specification used to set the syntax checking and debugging configuration.


Fonts and Colors Preferences

Komodo's Fonts and Colors Preference is used to customize the display of text in the Editor Pane. To modify the font and color preferences, from the Edit menu, select Preferences, then click Fonts and Colors.

The Sample Text window at the top of the Fonts and Colors page offers a preview of the current scheme. If multiple schemes are configured, select the desired scheme from the Scheme drop-down list.

To create a new scheme:

  1. Select the scheme that you want to base your new scheme upon.
  2. Click the New button and enter a name for the new scheme.
  3. Make any necessary changes using the controls on the Fonts, Colors, Common Syntax Coloring, and Language-Specific Coloring tabs.
  4. Click OK to save the new scheme.

Schemes are added to the Scheme drop-down list. Remove the selected scheme by clicking the Delete button. System schemes appear in bold and cannot be deleted.



The Fonts tab is used to configure the display characteristics for fixed-width and/or proportional fonts. Note that the default font characteristics configured on this tab are not overridden by any language-specific font configurations.

To create a scheme that affects characters in specific encodings, select the type of encoding from the Encoding drop-down list. If you do not specify the encoding, Komodo uses the system's default encoding.

The Fonts tab contains two identical sets of font controls, one for fixed-width fonts on the left, and the other for proportional fonts on the right. Select the Prefer Fixed or Prefer Prop. option button to set the desired font type and then use the drop-down list immediately beneath the selected option to choose a specific font.

  • Font: Select specific fixed-width or proportional fonts from the drop-down lists. (On Linux, the same list of fonts is displayed in both drop-down lists. On GTK, there is no programmatic way to identify whether a font is proportional or not; therefore, you must know the properties of the individual fonts when modifying these values.)
  • Font Size: Select the size of the font from the drop-down list.
  • Bold: If you want the default font to be displayed in bold, click the "B".
  • Italic: If you want the default font to be displayed in italics, click the "I".
  • Font Color: Set the font color by clicking on the "Fore" color box. Select the desired color from the color picker dialog box. Click the small arrow button to set the font color using the system color palette.
  • Background Color: Set the background color for the Editor Pane by clicking on the "Back" color box. Select the desired color from the color picker dialog box. Click the small arrow button to set the background color using the system color palette.
  • Reset: Click this button to return the font and color preferences to Komodo's original, default settings.



Use the Color Choice drop-down list on the Colors tab to configure general color properties for the Editor Pane. After selecting an interface component from the list, click the box to the right of the drop-down list to choose a color from the color palette, or click the small arrow button to select a color from the system color palette.

The following interface elements can be configured:

  • Current Line Background Color: The color configured here does not take effect unless the Highlight Current Line check box is selected. This sets the highlighting color of the line in which the editing cursor is positioned.
  • Cursor Color: Sets the color of the editing cursor.
  • Selection Background Color: The background of text that has been selected in the Editor Pane (by double-clicking, or clicking and dragging), is colored according to this setting.
  • Selection Text Color: This option is only available if the Override Text Color in Selection check box is selected. Regardless of other color configurations, all text that has been selected in the Editor Pane (by double-clicking, or clicking and dragging), is displayed in the color specified in this setting.
  • Active Breakpoints Color: Sets the color of the breakpoint at which the debugger is currently stopped.
  • Pending Breakpoints Color: Sets the color of breakpoints at which the debugger has yet to stop.
  • Bookmark Color: Sets the color of the bookmarks that are inserted in the margin to the left of the Editor Pane.
  • Debugger Current Line Background Color: Sets the background color of the line highlighted by the debugger.
  • Debugger Calling Line Background Color: Sets the color of lines that call subroutines. Caller line coloring is applied only when you have changed the stack position to view the line that calls the current line. View caller lines in the Call Stack drop-down list box on the Variables tab on the Debug tab.
  • Edge Line/Background Color of Text Too Far: If Word Wrap is enabled, use this option to set the color of the word wrap column marker, as well as the highlighted characters beyond the wrap column. If using fixed-width fonts, a line is drawn at the specified column. If using a proportional-width font, characters beyond the specified column are drawn on a colored background.

The Override Text Color in Selection check box activates the "Selection Text Color" setting described above. The Highlight Current Line check box activates the coloring specified in the "Current Line Background Color" setting described above.


Common Syntax Coloring

Some language elements are common to a number of programming languages. The element colors specified on the Common Syntax Coloring tab applies to all languages that use these elements. Select an element from the Element Type drop-down list and use controls described below to set the font characteristics. Note that the font characteristics configured on this tab are overridden by any language-specific font configurations.

  • Face: Select the typeface of the font from the drop-down list. You can choose either "Fixed-width" or "Proportional".
  • Size: Select the size of the font from the drop-down list.
  • Bold: If you want the default font to be displayed in bold, click the "B".
  • Italic: If you want the default font to be displayed in italics, click the "I".
  • Font Color: Set the font color by clicking on the foreground color box. Select the desired color from the color picker dialog box, or click the small arrow button to select a color from the system color palette.
  • Background Color: Set the background color for the Editor Pane by clicking on the background color box. Select the desired color from the color picker dialog box, or click the small arrow button to select a color from the system color palette.
  • Reset: Click this button to return the font and color preferences to Komodo's original, default settings.


Language-Specific Coloring

The colors configured on the Language-Specific Coloring tab apply to elements that appear in a specific language. Select a language from the Language drop-down list and an element from the Element Type drop-down list, then use the controls described below to set the font characteristics.

  • Face: Select the typeface of the font from the drop-down list. You can choose either "Fixed-width" or "Proportional".
  • Size: Select the size of the font from the drop-down list.
  • Bold: If you want the default font to be displayed in bold, click the "B".
  • Italic: If you want the default font to be displayed in italics, click the "I".
  • Font Color: Set the font color by clicking on the foreground color box. Select the desired color from the color picker dialog box, or click the small arrow button to select a color from the system color palette.
  • Background Color: Set the background color for the Editor Pane by clicking on the background color box. Select the desired color from the color picker dialog box, or click the small arrow button to select a color from the system color palette.
  • Reset: Click this button to return the font and color preferences to Komodo's original, default settings.


GUI Builder Preferences

To set the default language for GUI Builder projects, select it from the drop-down list. If Ask each time is specified, Komodo prompts every time the GUI Builder is invoked.

Komodo communicates with the GUI Builder using the port indicated in the TCP/IP Port used field. Alter the port number as desired.


HTTP Inspector Preferences

The HTTP Inspector runs a local proxy for examining HTTP traffic between browser and server. This proxy has the following configuration options:

HTTP Inspector Options:

  • Run HTTP Inspector at startup: If selected, this starts the proxy when Komodo is launched. If not, the proxy can be started from the HTTP Inspector interface.
  • Listen on port: Specify the port the proxy runs on. Most proxies use port 8080.
  • Only accept connections from the local machine: Enabled by default.

Proxy forwarding:

  • Enable proxy forwarding: Enable this option if you use an HTTP proxy to connect to the internet (i.e. at your network gateway).
  • Forward proxy connections on to this host: If you have enabled proxy forwarding, enter the proxy information in the format <hostname>:<port>. If no port is specified, Komodo will attempt to use port 8080.


Interactive Shell Preferences

The Interactive Shell is an implementation of the language interpreter's shell within the Komodo environment. These preferences set the default behavior for interactive shell functionality.

  • Preferred Language: Specify which language interpreter's shell is launched when the interactive shell is invoked.
  • Session Control:
    • Close tab when interactive shell session ends: If this option is selected, the Shell tab closes when the Stop button is clicked. Otherwise, the tab remains visible (although you must invoke another interactive shell session to use the shell).
    • Confirm when closing interactive shell: When you attempt to close the Shell tab before stopping the session (by clicking the Stop button), this option determines whether you are prompted for confirmation. The confirmation dialog box has an option to disable the warning; to re-enable the warning, set this field to Ask me each time.
  • Working Directory: This option sets the "current" directory for the interactive shell session. Specify the desired directory.


Internationalization Preferences

Language encodings provide support for files containing characters in non-ASCII character sets.

Encodings are determined in the following order:

  1. File Preference: If a specific encoding has been assigned to a file via the file's Properties and Settings context menu, the assigned encoding is always used when that file is opened.
  2. Auto-Detect: If the Auto-Detect File Encoding when Opened box is checked, Komodo analyzes the existing encoding of the file by first looking for a Byte Order Marker (BOM), then by checking for an XML declaration, and then by performing heuristic analysis on the file's contents. If an encoding can be determined, it is applied.
  3. Language-specific Default Encoding: Specific encodings can be assigned to programming languages. (Komodo determines the programming language of a file based on the File Association preferences.) If an encoding is associated with a programming language, that encoding is used. Check Signature (BOM) to embed a Byte Order Marker (BOM) at the beginning of the file. If the specified encoding is set to the default encoding, the System Encoding or Custom Encoding is used.
  4. System Encoding or Custom Encoding: If the Use Encoding Defined in Environment box is checked, Komodo uses the encoding specified in the operating system. The following system variables are checked:
    • Windows: The Control Panel's "Regional Settings" (Windows 98, ME, and NT); "Regional Options" (Windows 2000); "Regional and Language Options" (Windows XP).
    • Mac OS X: The "International" settings accessed via the the OS X System Preferences.
    • Linux: LC_CTYPE, LANG and LANGUAGE.
    To use a different encoding, uncheck this box and select the desired encoding from the Custom Encoding drop-down list.

When you create a new file, only the third and fourth methods described above are used to set the file's encoding.

The following settings override all other encoding settings except the File Preference setting.

  • Allow XML Declaration to Override Auto-Detection: Komodo always uses the XML encoding declaration contained in the XML file when opening XML files (if applicable).
  • Allow HTML META tag to Override Auto-Detection: Komodo uses the charset setting defined in META tags in HTML documents.
  • Allow 'coding:' tag to Override Auto-Detection: If the file contains a "coding: <encoding_name>" directive within the first two lines, that encoding is used.

The Date & Time format determines the display format of the date and time for items listed on the Start Page, and for the Current File settings display.


Language Help Settings

Use the Language Help page in Komodo Preferences (Edit|Preferences|Language Help) to configure context-sensitive language look-up.

Configuring Reference Locations

The Language Lookup Commands section of the Language Help page displays the default URL for language-specific help. (The %(browser) string is an interpolation shortcut.) If you are using the default key binding scheme, 'Shift'+'F1' ('Meta'+'/' on Mac OS X) opens a browser window and looks up the address of the sites specified here. The site is selected according to the type of file currently active in the Editor Pane. (To configure file association, see File Associations.)

The General Help field is used to specify a help location that does not specifically apply to a language (or applies to a language not available in the above list).

To reset any of the help settings to their original value, click Reset beside the pertinent field.

Using Language Help

In the Editor Pane, double-click to select the keyword that you want to look up. Then, if you are using the default key binding scheme, press 'Shift'+'F1' ('Meta'+'/' on Mac OS X) to invoke a browser window and look up the keyword on the site configured in the Preferences. Press 'Ctrl'+'F1' ('Meta'+'Ctrl'+'/' on Mac OS X) to perform the lookup using the site configured in the General Help field on the Language Help page.


Language Configuration

To configure the languages supported by Komodo, select Edit|Preferences|Languages, then select the desired language.


Configuring JavaScript

Firefox Extension for Debugging: The Komodo JavaScript Debugger Firefox extension is required to support the browser-side component of JavaScript debugging. Click Install/Upgrade 'Komodo JavaScript Debugger' Firefox extension to install this extension (and the 'jslib' extension it needs) into Firefox.

Configuring Perl

  • Use this interpreter: Select Find on Path to use the first Perl interpreter that occurs in the system's PATH variable. The paths to interpreters found in the PATH variable are available from the drop-down list; select a specific interpreter as desired. Alternatively, click Browse and navigate the filesystem to select the desired interpreter.
  • Background Syntax Checking: Perl syntax checking is configurable; the degree of syntax checking is determined by switches sent to the interpreter. Specify the desired level of syntax checking by selecting the corresponding interpreter switch combination from the drop-down list. If a setting that uses "taint" mode is selected, the PERL5LIB environment variable is ignored; syntax checking is not performed on modules located in directories specified via PERL5LIB.
  • Debugger Logging: If this option is enabled, the Komodo debugger logs the debugging session to a file in the directory specified in the Debugger Log Path field (or the directory specified in the system's TEMP variable, if no directory is specified). This is primarily for debugging the debugger, as opposed to gaining additional insight on the debug session itself. The debugger log file is named perl-dbgp.log. The contents of the log file are overwritten each time the debugger is invoked.
  • Additional Perl Import Directories: Directories specified in this field are inserted at the beginning of Perl's @INC array (in the same manner as Perl's "I" command-line argument). Modules in the specified directories are used for debugging, syntax checking and during interactive shell sessions.

PDK Installation Locations

To access the Perl Dev Kit preference page, select Edit|Preferences|Languages|Perl|PDK.

  • Use this installation: Use the drop-down list or the Browse button to specify the path to the PDK executable file.


Configuring PHP

Click the PHP Debugger Configuration Wizard button to configure the location of the PHP interpreter, to modify the php.ini file for Komodo debugging, and to install the required debugging extensions. To manually configure PHP debugging, refer to Debugging PHP for instructions.

  • Use this interpreter: Select Find on Path to use the first PHP interpreter that occurs in the system's PATH variable. The paths to interpreters found in the PATH variable are available from the drop-down list; select a specific interpreter as desired. Alternatively, click Browse and navigate the filesystem to select the desired interpreter.
  • Path to alternate PHP configuration file: The php.ini file must be modified to support Komodo debugging. To specify an different php.ini than the one configured by the PHP Debugger Configuration Wizard, enter the path in this field, or use the Browse button. See Debugging PHP for information about manually configuring the php.ini.

Note: Be sure your php.ini configuration file is located in your operating system directory. If you used the PHP Windows installer, this file should be in the correct location. To verify, on Windows 2000/NT the php.ini file should be in \winnt; on Windows 98/Me the php.ini file should be in \windows. On Windows XP, the system directory is either \winnt or \windows, depending on whether XP was a native installation or was an upgrade from a previous Windows version.

Sharing PHP Preferences and Files

Use Komodo's shared support functionality to share PHP preferences, run commands, code snippets, templates, .tip files, or other items that have special usefulness within your PHP programming group. See Configuring Shared Support for more information.


Configuring Python

  • Use this interpreter: Select Find on Path to use the first Python interpreter that occurs in the system's PATH variable. The paths to interpreters found in the PATH variable are available from the drop-down list; select a specific interpreter as desired. Alternatively, click Browse and navigate the filesystem to select the desired interpreter.
  • Additional Python Import Directories: Directories specified in this field are inserted at the beginning of Python's PYTHONPATH environment variable. Modules in the specified directories are used for debugging, syntax checking and during interactive shell sessions.


Configuring Ruby

  • Use this interpreter: Select Find on Path to use the first Ruby interpreter that occurs in the system's PATH variable. The paths to interpreters found in the PATH variable are available from the drop-down list; select a specific interpreter as desired. Alternatively, click Browse and navigate the filesystem to select the desired interpreter.
  • Background Syntax Checking: Ruby syntax checking is configurable; the degree of syntax checking is determined by switches sent to the interpreter. Specify the desired level of syntax checking by selecting the corresponding interpreter switch combination from the drop-down list.
  • Debugger Logging: If this option is enabled, the Komodo debugger logs the debugging session to a file in the directory specified in the Debugger Log Path field (or the directory specified in the system's TEMP variable, if no directory is specified). This is primarily for debugging the debugger, as opposed to gaining additional insight on the debug session itself. The debugger log file is named ruby-dbgp.log. The contents of the log file are overwritten each time the debugger is invoked.
  • Additional Ruby Import Directories: Directories specified in this field are inserted at the beginning of Ruby's PATH_LOAD environment variable. Modules in the specified directories are used for debugging and syntax checking.


Configuring Tcl

Komodo provides the ability to interact with both the standard Tcl interpreter ("Tclsh") and the Tcl interpreter that supports the Tk widget library ("Wish"). Komodo's Tcl integration also supports logging and syntax checking. Extended Tcl editing support and the Tcl debugging libraries are included with a subscription to ASPN Tcl.

  • Use this Wish interpreter: Select Find on Path to use the first Wish interpreter that occurs in the system's PATH variable. The paths to interpreters found in the PATH variable are available from the drop-down list; select a specific interpreter as desired. Alternatively, click Browse and navigate the filesystem to select the desired interpreter.
  • Use this Tclsh Interpreter: As described above, specify the desired Tclsh interpreter.
  • Enable Debugger Log: If this option is enabled, the Komodo debugger logs the debugging session to a file in the directory specified in the Debugger Log Path field (or the directory specified in the system's TEMP variable, if no directory is specified). This is primarily for debugging the debugger, as opposed to gaining additional insight on the debug session itself. The debugger log file is named tcl-dbgp.log. The contents of the log file are overwritten each time the debugger is invoked.
  • Additional Tcl Include Directories: Directories specified in this field are inserted at the beginning of Tcl's TCLLIBPATH environment variable. Modules in the specified directories are used for debugging, syntax checking and during interactive shell sessions.


Tcl Syntax Checking

To specify Tcl syntax checking:

  • Warning messages to suppress: The warning messages listed in this dialog box can be disabled. This prevents Komodo's syntax checking functionality from reporting these warnings.
  • Error messages to suppress: The error messages listed in this dialog box can be disabled. This prevents Komodo's syntax checking functionality from reporting these errors.
  • Additional options: Configure the level of error and warning checking by using the switches -W1 (display parsing and syntax errors), -W2 (display parsing and syntax errors, and usage warnings), -W3 (display parsing and syntax errors, portability warnings, upgrade warnings, performance warnings, and usage warnings), and -Wall (displays all messages and errors (the default)). Additionally, specific warning and error messages can be suppressed using the -suppress error switch.
  • Force checking for specific Tcl/Tk Version: To use a version of Tcl other than the default (8.4) for warning and error checking, select the desired version from the drop-down list.

Tcl Debugging

Komodo's Tcl debugger has additional preferences for instrumenting files and logging debug sessions.

  • Tcl Instrumented Files: By default, all files are instrumented. However, once modules are added to this list box, you can choose to not instrument specific modules by clearing the appropriate check boxes next to the module names. To instrument modules in the list box, select the check box beside the module name. To add a module to the list (e.g. "incrtcl, "TclX"), click the "Add Entry" button, specify the Module Name, and click OK. To remove a module, select one or more module names in the list box, and click "Delete Entries".
  • Debugger Logging: If this option is enabled, the Komodo debugger logs the debugging session to a file in the directory specified in the Debugger Log Path field (or the directory specified in the system's TEMP variable, if no directory is specified). This is primarily for debugging the debugger, as opposed to gaining additional insight on the debug session itself. The debugger log file is named tcl.log. The contents of the log file are overwritten each time the debugger is invoked.

Sharing Tcl Preferences and Files

Use Komodo's shared support functionality to share Tcl preferences, run commands, code snippets, templates, .tip files, or other items that have special usefulness within your Tcl programming group. See Configuring Shared Support for more information.


Configuring HTML

Komodo works in conjunction with HTML Tidy to provide configurable syntax checking for HTML files. The following options can be configured:

  • Error Level: Errors Only displays all HTML errors with a red underline; Errors and Warnings displays both errors and warnings with a red underline.
  • WAI Accessibility Conformance level: The Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) provides HTML developers with guidelines for making web content accessible to those with disabilities. These guidelines include methods for making content understandable and navigable (for example, adding "alt" text to an "img" tag for those who cannot view images). WAI accessibility levels are:
    • Off: WAI accessibility is off. No WAI-related syntax errors are reported.
    • Priority 3: The lowest WAI conformance level. One or more groups will have difficulty accessing the information in this document.
    • Priority 2: Satisfying this level removes significant barriers to accessing content in this document.
    • Priority 1: The highest WAI conformance level. A web content developer must satisfy this level for the greatest content accessibility.
  • Configuration File: Tidy functionality can be customized via a custom configuration file. See teaching Tidy about new tags on the W3C site for information on building a custom configuration file. To specify a custom Tidy configuration file, click Browse beside the Configuration File text box to locate the configuration file on your filesystem.


Configuring XML Catalogs

Komodo has built-in support for a wide range of XML dialects. Support for additional XML dialects can be configured by adding XML Catalog files. These files map XML namespaces to local DTD and RelaxNG Schema files.

Click the Add... button to add your own catalogs.

Click the Delete... button to delete the currently selected catalog from the list.

Use the arrow buttons to rearrange the order of the catalogs. Catalogs at the top of the list take precedence over those below. All catalogs specified here (and the DTDs and RelaxNG Schemas referenced by them) take precedence over the ones that ship with Komodo.


Mapped URIs

When debugging JavaScript, Komodo attempts to fetch the code from the URI used in the browser unless otherwise specified. To map a URI (the address of an internet or network resource, such as a web URL) to a local directory:

  1. Click the Add... button.
  2. Enter the URI in the URI field.
  3. Enter the path in the Path field or click the Local... or Remote... buttons to browse to and select the desired directory.

Double-click an existing mapping in the list to edit the URI or local path. URI mappings are substring matches. For example, /home/user/public_html/project would match any directories starting with that string (i.e. subdirectories project_1, project_2, etc.).


New Files Preferences

When the New button is used to create a new file, Komodo, by default, opens a text file in the Editor Pane. To alter the default, select the desired file type from the drop-down list. To specify the end-of-line marker for new files, select the desired marker from the drop-down list.

The Komodo templates used to create new files (File|New|New File) support the same Interpolation Shortcut codes as snippets and run commands. Prior to Komodo Version 2.5, only a limited set of variables could be used (for example, to embed the current date and time in files created from custom templates). The new Interpolation Shortcuts are more powerful but are backward-incompatible.

Enter a number in the Number of recent templates to remember field to specify how many recent template names appear on the File|New drop-down menu.

The encoding for new files is determined by the configuration of the Internationalization preference.


Printing Preferences

  • Print Line Numbers: Check this box to print the line numbers.
  • Print in Color: To print in the colors displayed in the Editor Pane, check this box.
  • Wrap long lines at n characters: Set the column at which lines will wrap. Specify "0" characters for no line wrapping.
  • Scale font sizes from screen to print by n: Specify the number of times larger or smaller the printed font size will be in relation to its size on screen. The default is "1.5". Specify "1" to print the current font size.


Projects and Workspace Preferences


Use the When starting Komodo field to specify the display when Komodo is opened.

  • Ask me whether to restore workspace: Komodo prompts to open recent files and projects.
  • Restore last workspace: Komodo displays the workspace exactly as it was when you last quit Komodo (including expanded tabs and open files).
  • Do not restore last workspace: Komodo displays the default workspace (the Start Page and no expanded tabs).

Opening and Closing Projects

These options specify the relationship between projects and files that are open in the Editor Pane.

When opening a project, set Komodo to:

  • Ask me what to do: Komodo prompts whether the files that were open when the project was last closed should be re-opened.
  • Open recent files: Komodo automatically opens the files that were open when the project was last closed.
  • Open no files: Komodo opens the project without opening any files.

When closing a project, set Komodo to:

  • Ask me what to do: Komodo prompts whether open files associated with the project should be closed.
  • Close all open files in project: Komodo automatically closes open files associated with the project.
  • Close no files: Komodo closes no files.

File Status Updates in Project Manager

The Update file status automatically option enables a periodic check of the read/write status and the source code control status of components stored in the Project Manager and the Toolbox.

Status refresh can also be performed manually; see Refreshing Project Status for more information.

Importing Files From Disk

Specify the defaults for the Import from File System option, available in the option in the Project Manager, the Toolbox, and in folders stored in either a project or the Toolbox. These defaults can be overridden in the Import from File System dialog box.

  • Filenames to include: Specify the filenames to include. Use wildcards ("*" and "?") to specify groups of files. Separate multiple file specifications with semicolons. If the field is left blank, all files in the specified directory are imported.
  • Filenames to exclude: Specify the file and directory names to exclude. Use wildcards ("*" and "?") to specify groups of files. Separate multiple file specifications with semicolons. If the field is left blank, no files in the specified directory are excluded.
  • Import Subdirectories Recursively: To import subdirectories located beneath the directory specified for the import, check Import Subdirectories Recursively. Specify how Komodo should handle subdirectories by selecting one of the following options:
    • Import directory structure: If the Import Subdirectories Recursively box is checked and this option is selected, Komodo creates folders within the project that represent imported directories. Thus, the directory structure is preserved within the project.
    • Make a folder per language: If this option is selected, imported files are organized into folders according to the language indicated by file pattern in the filename. File associations are configured in the Komodo Preferences. Each folder is named after the associated language, for example, "Perl files", "XML files", etc. Files that don't correspond to a known file pattern are stored in a folder called "Other files".
    • Make one flat list: If this option is selected, all the imported files are placed directly under the project or folder from which the Import from File System command was invoked.

Triggering Macros

Macros can be configured to execute when specific Komodo events occur (such as before a file is saved or after a file is closed). To disable this feature, uncheck Enable triggering of macros on Komodo events.


Servers Preferences

Use the Servers page to configure server account settings for remote file access. To access the Servers page, select Edit|Preferences|Servers. You can also manually specify a connection (server name, username and password) when opening or saving remote files.

See Opening Remote Files for information about working with remote files.

If no servers have been previously configured, enter access information as described below and click the Add button. If there are prior server configurations, click the New Server button to clear the fields. To alter an existing configuration, select the configuration from the drop-down list, make the desired changes, then click the Update button. To delete a configuration, select the desired configuration and click the Delete button.

  • Remote Accounts: Previous server configurations can be accessed via this field.
  • Server Type: Select the type of connection to the server (FTP, SFTP or SCP).
  • Name: Enter a name for the account. The value in this field is displayed in the "Remote Accounts" drop-down list box, and is used as the Server name in the Remote File dialog box.
  • Hostname: Enter the name of the remote server. The name may be fully qualified (e.g. "", or just the hostname of a machine within a local domain.
  • Port: Enter the port to use to connect to the server. SFTP and SCP generally use port 22. FTP generally uses port 21.
  • User Name: If you require an account to use the remote server, enter the user name in this field. If the server accepts anonymous access, enter "anonymous" or click the Anonymous Login check box.
  • Password: If you require an account to use the remote server, enter the account password in this field. If access to the server is anonymous, the password is usually an email address (such as "").
  • Default Path: To specify the directory that displays when you connect to the server, enter the path in this field.
  • Anonymous Login: If the server allows anonymous login, check this box.

Note: Passwords are stored (encrypted) using Mozilla's password manager.


Shared Support Preferences

Komodo's shared support functionality is used to configure components on one machine and distribute them for use on other machines. Shared support is implemented via a "Common Data Directory", which stores the shared components. The following components can be shared:

To configure shared support, select Edit|Preferences|Shared Support.

To access shared components, Komodo users must have "read" access rights to shared files in both the Common Data Directory and the Shared Toolbox (if the directory is not the same as the Common Data Directory). To alter shared components, users must also have "write" rights.

The Common Data Directory default locations:

  • Windows: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ActiveState\Komodo\3.x
  • Mac OS X: /Library/Application Support/Komodo/3.x
  • Linux: /etc/komodo/3.x

To specify a custom location for the Common Data Directory:

  1. On the Edit menu, select Preferences|Shared Support.
  2. Click Use custom Common Data Directory location.
  3. Click Choose to select a new location.
  4. Click OK.


Sharing .tip, .pcx and .pdx Files

Through Shared Support, .tip files (which provide syntax checking for PHP and Tcl) can be made available site-wide. All .tip files should be stored along with the default .tip information in the tcl subdirectory of the Common Data Directory.

The other file types that can be shared are .pcx files, which can be used to extend the command information supported by the TDK Checker and Komodo Tcl linter, and .pdx files, which are debugger extension files that define debugging functions, such as spawnpoints. Like .tip files, .pcx and .pdx files are stored in the tcl subdirectory of the Common Data Directory.


Sharing Preferences

Shared preferences are used to set a default preference configuration that is shared between multiple Komodo users. An organization or user group can specify defaults like the language type for new files, default tab widths, and other Komodo settings.

There are three levels of preference recognition in Komodo:

  1. user preferences
  2. shared preferences (common)
  3. default preferences (factory)

In a shared configuration, user preferences always override the shared preferences. Shared preferences always override the default preferences.

To configure shared preferences, set the desired preferences in one instance of Komodo. (This sets user preferences for that Komodo installation.) Then, edit the prefs.xml file that stores the preferences.

The default locations are as follows:

  • Windows: C:\Program Files\ActiveState Komodo 3.x
  • Mac OS X: <komodo-install-directory>/Contents/SharedSupport/
  • Linux: etc/komodo/

Make a backup copy of prefs.xml before editing it. In prefs.xml, make the following changes:

  • Change the value of commonDataDirMethod to custom.
  • Change the value of customCommonDataDir to the path to the Common Data Directory.

Copy prefs.xml to the Common Data Directory. When other Komodo sessions (configured to use the same Common Data Directory) are started, the preferences in the Common Data Directory are used.

Because user preferences override both default and shared preferences, ensure that user preferences are not configured for items defined in the shared preferences. For example, if the shared preference contains a tab size definition, and a user's personal preference contains a tab size definition, the user's preference is used, not the shared preference.


Source Code Control Preferences

The Professional Edition of Komodo features source code control (SCC) integration, which you can use to perform the most common SCC repository tasks from within Komodo, including checking files out, comparing them to the repository version, and checking files back in. See Source Code Control for information about using SCC functions within Komodo.

  • Show SCC Output Tab on Commands: Select the desired action from the drop-down list to specify whether the SCC tab is displayed when SCC commands produce output.
  • Method used to display 'diff' output: Specify whether the output from the SCC diff command should be displayed in a separate window, or within a new tab in the Komodo Editor Pane.


CVS Integration

Configure these options to use CVS source code control integration.

  • CVS Integration: Select this check box if you are using a CVS source code repository.
  • CVS executable used: Choose the path to the desired CVS executable file from the drop-down list, or click Browse to navigate to the file location.
  • Check for status changes from outside of Komodo: If this check box is selected, Komodo checks to see if the status of files that are open in the editor has changed from the status they had at the last check. Specify the interval at which Komodo should check the file status in the field below.
  • Do recursive status checks: When checking the CVS status of files in a project, select this check box to recurse the directories. If this check box is not selected, only the status of files in the current directory are checked.
  • Diff options: When you use the option Diff (Compare Files), the comparison is performed according to the style specified here. Any CVS diff options may be specified. For a complete list of options, refer to the CVS Manual.
  • Do not warn about CVS external protocols (CVS_RSH) at startup: If you are using an external protocol (such as RSH) to connect to the CVS repository, select this check box if you do not want a warning displayed when you start Komodo.


Perforce Integration

Configure these options to use Perforce source code control integration.

  • Perforce Integration: Select this check box if using a Perforce source code repository.
  • Perforce executable used: Use the drop-down list or the Browse button to specify the path to the Perforce executable file.
  • Check for status changes from outside of Komodo: If this check box is selected, Komodo checks to see if the status of files that are open in the editor has changed from the status it had at the last check. Specify the interval at which Komodo should check the file status in the field below.
  • Do recursive status checks: When checking the status of files in a project, select this check box to recurse the directories. If this box is not checked, only the status of files in the current directory is checked.
  • Show diff in Komodo: When you use the option Diff (Compare Files), the comparison is performed according to the style specified here. Refer to the Perforce Manual for a complete description of the options. (Alternatively, on the command line, enter p4 help diff.)
  • Use external diff tool: If you want to use a diff tool other than Perforce, it must be specified in this field. The location of the diff tool must also be included in your system's PATH environment variable.
  • Automatically open files for edit before save: Select an option from the drop-down list to determine what Komodo does if you attempt to save a file that has not been checked out of Perforce.


Subversion Integration

Configure these options to use Subversion source code control integration.

  • SVN Integration: Select this check box if you are using a Subversion source code repository.
  • SVN executable used: Use the drop-down list or the Browse button to specify the path to the Subversion executable file.
  • Check for status changes from outside of Komodo: If this box is selected, Komodo checks to see if the status of files that are open in the editor has changed from the status they had at the last check. Specify the interval at which Komodo should check the file status in the field below.
  • Do recursive status checks: When checking the Subversion status of files in a project, check this box to recurse the directories. If this box is not checked, only the status of files in the current directory are checked.
  • Diff options: When you use the option Diff (Compare Files), the comparison is performed according to the style specified here. Any Subversion diff options may be specified. For more about diff options, refer to the Subversion Documentation.
  • Do not warn about Subversion external protocols (SVN_SSH) at startup: If you are using an external protocol (such as SSH) to connect to the Subversion repository, check this box if you do not want a warning displayed when you start Komodo.


Web and Browser Preferences

  • Web Browser: Specify the browser that Komodo should launch when a web-based language query or the web browser preview is invoked. Select the desired browser from the list, or use the Browse button to navigate to the desired browser. If you do not specify a browser, Komodo uses the system's default browser.
  • Preview in Browser: Choose the method Komodo uses to preview code in the selected web browser:
    • Preview in Komodo tab, other tab group: This option splits the Editor Pane to display the browser preview in a separate pane.
    • Preview in Komodo tab, same tab group: This option displays the browser preview in the Editor Pane.
    • Preview in external browser: This option opens the default browser (specified in the Web and Browser Preferences drop-down list) in a separate window.


Windows Integration Preferences

Windows Integration preferences set system-wide file associations on the Windows platform. By configuring file associations, Komodo becomes the default editor for specific file types. When one of these files is invoked (for example, by double-clicking the filename in Windows Explorer), Komodo is automatically launched (if not already running), and the file is loaded in the Editor Pane.

When a file extension is added to the "Edit with Komodo" association, the context menu displayed when the filename is right-clicked in Window Explorer contains an "Edit with Komodo" option.

To configure file associations:

  1. Select Edit|Preferences|Windows Integration.
  2. Click Configure common associations. The Setup Common Komodo File Associations dialog box opens.
  3. Select the file extensions for which Komodo should be the default editor, and the files extensions that should have the "Edit with Komodo" context menu option.

Individual file extensions may be added and deleted via the lists.

If another application overrides the associations configured by Komodo, click Re-apply settings to system to reset the Komodo associations.